close() | | Closes this instance's AMQP connection if it's active.Currently this is always a cold close and will interrupt consumers and publishers.! You cannot re-open a closed instance of Temit; to create a new ! connection, create a new TemitClient. |
connect() | | Connect to the AMQP node given when this instance was instantiated. |
emitter(event, opts) | | Creates an emitter that can be used to push data to listeners. |
endpoint(event, handler) | | Creates an endpoint that can be used to respond to requesters. |
endpoint(event, opts, handler) | | |
listener(event, group, handler) | | Creates a listener that can be used to receive data from emitters. |
listener(event, group, opts, handler) | | |
requester(event, opts) | | Creates a requester that can be used to request data from endpoints. |